The Repeating option allows you to input events that will happen more than once. You will need to check the "repeating" box to use this feature. Please see samples below and always remember to set "Ends" to be the last day the event repeats.
- For Daily Events: Select "Daily" as your choice.
A. if your events are set every weekday (Mon-Fri). Choose "Every weekday"
B. Choose the "Every" option if your event will happen for consecutive days. For example, your event will happen Friday, Saturday and Sunday (3 days). You can go ahead and place 1 on the box given after the word "Every".
- For Weekly Events: Select "Weekly" as your choice.
A. Select "Every" option if your event is happening every __ week(s). Count the weeks and place the number in the box provided. Click on the day your event is scheduled for the week. If its on a Monday and a Wednesday click on both.
B. Select "Repeat on the" option if your event is happening on certain weeks of the month. If your event is happening every second and fourth Wednesday of a certain month, click on "Second" and "Fourth" and choose the appropriate days provided.
- For Monthly Events: Select "Monthly" as your choice.
A. Select "Day" option if your event is happening on a specific date of each month. For example, it's on the 20th of the month.Place 20 on the box provided.
B. Select "The of every month" option if your event is scheduled on a certain day of each month.For example, your event will happen every first monday of each month. Then choose the appropriate days from the drop down menu.
- Set your Events schedule on the "Start Date" field. This will be the basis of your events launch date and time. The "End Date" field will determine the end time of your event for that day and all the future repeated events.
- Set the date on the "Ends" section. The date should be the end of your event schedule.
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